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Friday, March 27, 2009

Creativity Tweets from this Past Week

Here are 10 favorited creativity tweets from Twitter during the past week. If you'd like to see more, you can follow me on Twitter in a couple of places: @mikebrown or @brainzooming

ExecVelocity Coaching DQ: What new elements can improve workplace creativity and what is holding you back from implementing them?

douglasbrent: Authentic creativity generates ideas, not smoke and mirrors.

Ekaterina_E "Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything." George Lois

AW0LF The older you get, the more experienced you become. Experience inspires creativity and that's the recipe for greatness.

williamskim #Creativity - Frustration is as much a part of creativity as inhaling is to breathing.

PastorChaney How will you inspire someone to realize, unleash and engage their magnificent God given creativity today?

bsouthern "Creativity without implementation is irresponsibility." Ted Leavitt

EddyJFree: Creativity is great. Everybody's got it some just don't know it. Use it in every aspect of your life to get a fresh outlook.

Think_Better Creativity takes the drive to try, the courage to fail, the humility to learn, and the persistence to try again.

cartermorrison Creativity is such a bitch

TweetIt from HubSpot

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