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Friday, April 17, 2009

World Creativity and Innovation Week - Eight Perspectives for "Taking the NO Out of InNOvation"

“Taking the NO Out of InNOvation” touches on eight perspectives and approaches to enhance innovativeness in you and your team.

And on May 14, I'll be presenting it at the Kansas City American Advertising Federation- KC (AAF KC) Get Charged Up symposium. The luncheon keynote will be delivered by Jennifer Dominiquini from Prophet, and Sally Hogshead will be rocking the place with her opening afternoon session!

If you're anywhere near the Kansas City area, and you've read or heard me talk up Sally since I met her 4 years ago, take advantage of this opportunity to see her live.

In the interim, here are the 8 perspective that can help you realize a more innovative personal approach by being:

  1. Introspective: Be more introspective and understand your creative strengths.

  2. Diverse: Embrace diversity & build a creative team with complementary strengths.

  3. Forgetful: Figure out how to selectively forget conventional wisdom to refresh your perspective.

  4. A Borrower: Borrow thought starters & ideas from new sources & put your own twist on them!

  5. Open to Possibilities: Open yourself to all kinds of possibilities by finding new ways to look at situations.

  6. Inquisitive: Become more inquisitive and ask great questions to bring out new ideas within you and your team.

  7. A Creator: Prioritize ideas and bring them to fruition - actually create something with your creativity.

  8. Persistent: Be persistent & tenaciously pursue possibilities since "No's" can provide insights to help you change & get to a "Yes."

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