Spare a minute to recall what stood out for you last week, looking for creativity triggers in your recollections. If you're on Twitter, they make for great fodder to tweet as well.
Here are some things from last week on my creative quickie list:
- Important relearning of the week? When introducing a new idea, deliberately put yourself in situations that require explaining it. It really helps refine messaging much more quickly.
- Most interesting strategy question of the week? "In ten words, tell me what creates profit in your business?"
- Most surprising street sign? This one below. Where, but in Kansas City, is there a 10 hour parking sign?

- A good deed that's usually appreciated: Invite an introvert to go with you to a networking function. (Or to paraphrase @trmndsblndtte: Help de-flower an introvert!) If you're an introvert and someone asks you to an event, accept the invitation!
- Greatest inspirational messages while walking down the street? These from the school at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago.

- Most innovative job title of someone I met? "Chief Creatologist"
- Most reassuring development? Encouragement from so many great people. Now to figure out how to engineer it happening every week! - Mike Brown
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