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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Important Update for Those With Favorited or Viewing through RSS - Moving Time!

I've mentioned a few times about moving the blog to a new website. Well, the time has come!

After this Friday, daily blog publishing on will stop. Starting today, you can begin to find new, daily blog posts at! (Note: will still be online for now, although archived content has moved to the new site.)

This move has been a long time coming and with the change to the Wordpress platform, the website will now contain the blog plus information on Brainzooming service offerings, presentations I do, and tools that have been previously scattered across other websites.

I'm still learning about the new website and there are more features to be added, but it's been functioning well the past couple of weeks (i.e., it's been feeding email blog subscribers since January 18), so it's ready for the transition.

Here's what you can do to stay current with daily Brainzooming posts:

Thanks to all of you for following and reading the blog! My goal with every post is to provide something of benefit to you on how to better incorporate strategy, creativity, or innovation into your business and personal lives. Since this is about providing value to you, please let me know your thoughts on the new site.

Thanks particularly to Seth Simonds who has been instrumental in creating the foundation and structure for!

Again, I appreciate your support and readership and am excited for you to join me at the new!

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Dave J. said...

As a recent mover to WP from Blogger, I say congratulations! It wasn't that bad was it? The new site looks great!

Mike Brown said...

Thanks so much Dave for checking out the new site! Seth Simonds was incredible at getting all the content moved over.

It has taken me several weeks of playing around with the new site to get more comfortable with it. My first feeling was it was like getting into somebody else's car and not knowing where any of the controls are. The lesson of just starting as the best way to get comfortable has certainly been true. I still have a lot to learn about Wordpress, but it was absolutely the right thing to do, and too long in coming. The time savings will be incredible from not having to triple publish every post!