Listening to The Beatles Abbey Road show provides a sense of the incredible talent they brought to the recording studio. The impact of George Martin, their producer, is also clear in how he shaped the group's artistic sensibilities and vision, crafting them into a coherent whole.
Considering the benefits a producer can provide, do you have one (or more) producers in your creative life? Your "producer" could be a mentor or a creative instigator who's there to:
- Expand and shape your creative perspective
- Bring in other talents to help realize your vision
- Challenge and edit your work from a less invested perspective than you have
Maybe you self-produce your own creative efforts. That's a viable approach, and some people do it well. But if you don't have a producer for your major projects, think seriously about working with someone in that role who can be the catalyst for new creative success. - Mike Brown

Mike -
Great post. Something I'll pass along to a client who struggles with project management vs. project possibilities.
Have a great weekend.
- Tripper Allen
Hey Mike, great observation. Even though some people are capable of producing their own (really good) materials, there's something important about the give-and-take healthy tension that comes from collaboration.
I think this is especially important to realize at the executive level: it's vital to know when to pass the reins. John, Paul, Ringo and George needed to be savvy enough to let George Martin do his thing, after all.
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